
•March 6, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Trying this layout


•January 30, 2009 • Leave a Comment



•April 17, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Updated section: Paradise Blue

Schools ends in a month. I can’t wait! I should start doing my homework.

Wednesdays are boring. I mean, it’s wonderful that I have the whole day off of school and work. It’s just… I don’t really do anything. This could be due to any amount of factors, but I think the biggest is that Thursday is the day when I have multiple classes and homeworks due, so I really just use wednesday for homework, or putting off doing homework, and that bothers me and doesn’t really let me enjoy my day.

Pizza hut has pastas now, apparently. I just tried some, it’s okay.

I downloaded more Touhou music from doujinstyle.com. They have a lot of nice songs there, I particularly like this one song that I just downloaded and have yet to add to my mp3 player.

I want the artbook or screens for Spirited Away. I’ll probably just screenshot it. Man, that’s the most beautiful movie I’ve seen… I think ever. Howl’s moving castle was nice but doesn’t compare to it. When the setting is a bathhouse for the spirits, it really hit me just how much I wasn’t creative and haven’t been doing the tileset tutorials to the best of my ability. Frankly, I hate some of the stuff I’ve made tutorials for. I know I could do better, why am I teaching people to make crap? I want to teach people how to make something that parallels the beauty of Spirited Away, not some horribly orange cliffs. I feel like doing it all over and saying that they don’t exist, so I could actually put some good effort into them. Well, then again I have to learn how to make something that parallels the beauty of Spirited Away.

Battle Charactersets

•January 17, 2008 • Leave a Comment

I’ve been working on battlecharacters this whole day. I replaced all the old ones with these new ones. I didn’t think I’d get to it, but I figured I’d get to it.

A test of the new battle characters.

Island Sky summary

•January 15, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Welcome to the Island of Azulea. It is vacation time, and the students that go to the University in Seaside city are taking a break from the pressures of school. So the best way to enjoy it is to have fun at the beach, right? Usually yes, but not today. For the day of 4 University students and a teacher are going to get quite interesting…

First post

•January 15, 2008 • Leave a Comment

I moved to WordPress in the hopes that I can make this more like a website. First off, I’m Ocean’s Dream. I’m into game design, it’s not something I could get away from. I use RPG Maker for the most part, though I plan to move to another platform/engine in the future.

I am also a pixel artist. I will be posting some of my artworks and projects on here.